Privacy Policy

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The Privacy Policy covers the practices for handling and securing your Personal Information by Savesolutions. This Privacy Policy is applicable to persons who make any transaction using website, mobile site, mobile app & offline channels including retail offices. As a user or customer of Savesolutions, the person agrees with this Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions mentioned herein. This privacy statement does not apply to the websites, mobile sites and mobile apps of our other third parties, even if their websites are linked to Savesolutions’s Website. We recommend you review the privacy statements of the other parties with whom you interact. Savesolutions Group comprises of Savesolutions Services (India) Private Limited, Savesolutions Online Services (India) Private Limited, and all its subsidiaries and affiliates

Established in 2011, SAVE CSP has seen phenomenal growth in a very short span of time. Since inception, our aim has been to serve customers with nothing but the best.

© 2020

Reach to Us

3rd floor, Save Tower, AP Colony, Gaya - 823001, Bihar

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 +91 7477737992